Monday, July 9, 2012

Why You Need A Mentoring Relationship

Life is all about relating. How you relate will greatly determine how far you go in life and how successful you become ultimately. History is full of men who went up the ladder of success through relationship with others. If I were to mention names they will be too numerous to be named. So let me spare us all that.
But the fact is we all need someone to be able to make it through in life. No one can go it all alone. This world is not a place where we go solo. It would definitely be frustrating. However, relating to have an establish future would demand you make the right kind of choice. Bad relationship will end you up where you never expect to be. Maybe I should take a trip into that popular story of the prodigal son in the bible.

He desired to be successful, but the young man got into trouble at the end. He could not manage his success. Do you know why? He had poor mentoring relationship. He surrounded himself with the wrong kinds of mentors (prodigal sons probably), like himself. In life you do not need people like you, those who are probably at the same level with you. You will never go beyond that level of life. It takes relating with those who are above you to be able to make it to the sky. Someone had once said if he is been able to get far, it is because he climbs on the shoulder of someone taller than himself.
Note this: If you surround yourself with failures as mentors, of course you will end up a failure. It takes successful mentors to make successful protege. When you relate with an excelling mentor you will ultimately end up an 'exceller.'

Your relevance in any sphere of life is tied to how relevant your mentor-protégé relationship is. Prody left his father, who could have been his mentor in business. With all the wealth he acquired he still ended up with pigs. What a tragedy. He learnt his lessons the hard way. Until you have a mentor there are certain lessons you will have to learn the hard way.
Someone has walked the path you are walking now sometimes ago and had gone through the experience you are going through today. Do not wait to learn the entire lesson yourself, you may never live long to do that. Locate that man or woman and let him show you the ropes that will lead you to your glorious destiny.

Do not despise the place of relating with a mentor. They are there to make relevant input into you that will bring you into a significant position in life. Many are failing today for lack of working relationship with a mentor. Do not join the group of losers. To enter the hall of greatness you need to be introduced by a great mentor. Go for a mentoring relationship.
Hyper Smash

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