Thursday, June 21, 2012

Nakedness in Relationship:A Priority

Truth they say is bitter sometimes, but then we must not forget the fact that this same bitter truth has the propensity to liberate. In any relationship that must survive the test of time it is required that partners should go naked. You see, to my own opinion, secrets are important in relationships, especially when you feel that it has a destructive tendency when revealed. So for the sake of the health of that relationship one may decide to keep a particular destructive secret stash away in their hearts and hope that the other partner does not get to find out. And if the person does, depending on the level of his or her understanding hell may be let loosed. And the rest can be best left to the imagination. So to avoid certain degree of conflict go naked, that is be open to your partner.

We all have a past and some skeleton in our cupboard we don’t want anyone to know about, including your partner. And skeleton in the cupboard are not too healthy. They have a way of sending up stinking smells at the time you least expect it. That is how certain secret in our past tends to sometimes rear their ugly heads when we least expect them. Some relationships that were once envied had packed up just like that, because of lack of truthfulness. Insincerity is something that is not helpful at all in relationship. It is facts that whenever you tell a lie to your partner you lie to yourself as well. In fact you will feel the brunt of that lie more, because within your heart you know you have done something wrong, but then your spouse would believe it was the truth you told and would go about his normal life not carrying any weight in his heart. But you will have the weight of guilt hanging on you that is for those who have conscience.

I believe that the reason for distrust in a relationship is rooted in somebody not been committed truthfully. And once there is mistrust in any affair that relationship is standing on shaky legs. So you see nakedness pays. And remember this; the beauty of any human being does not lay in what they wear but the body behind what they wear. God knew this, which was why he created the first man and woman naked. They were open to each other and as long as they were that way there was nothing like shame. If you like you could interpret shame as conflict because shame is a negative word. In conclusion if you must enjoy the juice of any relationship nakedness is a must.

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